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    7 Important Things to Note When Starting a New Relationship

    The feeling of love is to the highest and lowest of our state of mind. We can be the happiest or the saddest because of it. It is so powerful. However, if you learn some keys about it and let them help you when time has come, it will be very helpful in many ways. Below are the 7 advises you should take when you are starting a new relationship.

    1. Allowing Some Space

    When two people are being in love, they will always miss each other. They want to be close and see each other every second. Then, either a girl or a guy will try to find a way to hear or see the other person like keeping messaging and calling. It is worth considering to control yourself and have some space on that. If it becomes too much, it would arrive at the state of being annoying. That is not good at all to your relationship.

     2. Be Yourself

    When being in love, each side would to appear best like the other side want to see. That is not recommended at all. You actually can do it, but it should be always at a level that it is still you. You cannot pretend to be someone else, just to make your partner feel best about you. It is not you, and it is also not very good for your long term relationship. Each one has to learn to accept each other the way they are.

     3. Relive the New Life

    You might have had your previous love story. And, it is very dangerous to try to compare the old one with the new one you are having a great time with. Forget whatever has happened before and start focusing on the one you are having. Although your new boyfriend or girlfriend is better or worse than the previous one, if you decide to be with him or her, just do not compare it since it has nothing to do with your current and future life now.

    4. Do not Go Too Quick

    Normally, the time you are being in a new relationship is the best time of the whole relationship. Both of you will be in the so-called perfect stage of love. That means you are thinking and liking everything of your partner. Things might be a little bite different a few months later. So, it is ok you can imagine about having married or thinking of how you want to arrange your life together. But, do not be too quick to take the action. Try to be together for a while first.

    5. Impressing your partner

    Because you love your boyfriend or girlfriend badly, you might realty want to impress him or her so that they could feel so good about you. Actually, the psychology might not go that way. That might make you appear boring instead because you might have shown off too much. Instead, you can try to learn about his or her hobbies and interest. That would allow you to communicate to him or her in a smother way.

    6. Be careful with collecting information

    As often, the new relationship will bring a lot of doubt each side want to know about each other, especially the love story. It is very dangerous for your relationship to do so. If your boyfriend or girlfriend happens to find out about that, he or she may not feel good, and you will have to find some reasons to explain the person about that too. Do not be too curious about that.

    7. Perfect Demand

    Some girls especially demands too much from their boyfriends. She thinks that if a man loves her, he should be trying to care, love and do everything to satisfy her. And, when her expectation is not met, she becomes unhappy. That might happen in a man to the woman as well. However, that is a hot point of the relationship. Both sides should always remember that no one is to be perfect for the other in the relationship. Both have to learn to compliment and be together if to have a long lasting relationship.

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